Mason, who is a former member of the Bandidos motorcycle club, shot
and killed Dusty Childress in March 2017 on County Road 341, just east of the
Abilene Environmental Landfill.
Mason asked the jury to decide his sentence. The jury began
the sentencing phase Wednesday afternoon and continued Thursday morning. The defense brought four character witnesses to the stand in
front of the jury on Thursday.
Mason's bail bondsman, who also rented a residence to the
defendant, told the court that he had never had trouble with him.
A friend of Mason's for approximately five years, stated
that she never felt in danger around Wesley. She mentioned that she had been
around gatherings of Bandidos, but did not feel unsafe around them. She was
woman that Wesley went to after the shooting in 2017.
The defendant's father, testified that he has maintained a
positive and healthy relationship with his son. He stated that Wesley was in
the U.S. Navy for several years and that he had two daughters. "Wesley
never harmed anyone growing up, and he loved kids." Chuck is not known to
have ties to the Bandidos.
Mason's mother was the last character witness to take the
stand Thursday. She stated that Wesley would never kill anyone on purpose.
Closing arguments were presented and the jury deliberated
for sentencing.
On Wednesday additional people took the stand like Mason's
probation officer. She said the Bandidos are a dangerous gang.
Also a self proclaimed motorcycle "gang" expert said he wouldn’t feel safe
being in a room with Mason.